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White Mold Risk in Canola

Posted: Jul 10 2023

Risk of white mold development in canola is currently mixed, depending on the location in the state. Since this time last week, the risk map has reported lower risk in northern half of the growing region, but remains high in south central and southwest North Dakota. The Sclerotinia Risk Map and Risk Calculator are available at the NDSU Canola Pathology program or through the Northern Canola Growers Association and Minnesota Canola Council websites. We thank them for their support of the canola pathology program!

We recommend canola growers consider using the Risk Map and associated Risk Calculator to help make decisions about potential management options for white mold as canola enters bloom. Additionally, as the risk map uses precipitation and temperature as main predictors, the map is also helpful for those growing other white-mold sensitive crops.

Sam Markell - Extension Plant Pathologist, Broad-leaf Crops
Luis del Rio Mendoza -  Professor, Canola Pathologist

9 CPR July 7 2023 Final.pdf (

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