The NCGA just received confirmation that canola will be included in the recently announced Ag trade Package from USDA. Other crops left out in last year’s payments will also be included. Payments will be based on a single county rate multiplied by a farm’s total plantings to those crops in aggregate in 2019. Per acre payments are not dependent on which crops are planted in 2019, and therefore will not distort planting decisions. Total payment-eligible plantings cannot exceed total 2018 plantings.
Payments will be made in up to three tranches, with the second and third tranches evaluated as market conditions and trade opportunities dictate. The first tranche will begin in late July/early August as soon as practical after Farm Service Agency crop reporting is completed by July 15th. If conditions warrant, the second and third tranches will be made in November and early January.
Further details on the payments will be provided this afternoon.